
All Modules

Spoken Arabic


You can start learn the spoken Arabic today start from Module 1, Easy and short lessons without any complications!


Module 1

In this module you will learn basic speaking skill where you will be able to introduce yourself, greet others and make orders at the coffee shop


Module 2

In this module you will learn different phrases and you will enhance your vocabulary to build up on module1 where you will be able to introduce your friends and colleagues and use possessive pronounce when speaking.


Module 3

In this module you will be able to initiate general conversations with others by asking about countries, nationalities, and personal information. You will also learn how to invite others for dinner, coffee, birthday…etc


Module 4

In this module you will learn how to ask different questions and use adverbs in your conversation. You will also learn about numbers and include them in daily life conversations.


Module 5

In this module you will continue learning about numbers and you will be introduced to days of the week and months of the year so you learn how to use them in your daily conversation. You will find many speaking practices and you will learn how to ask others about their health.

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